
The Dionýz Ilkovič Award with PosAm’s support is ranked among the best PR projects of the year

Published 27.11.2017

In order to discover a hidden talent that would become a genius in the field of natural sciences, it requires more than standard learning programs. Fortunately, there is a fairly big group of enthusiasts that work with gifted kids in school clubs even after the ring bells after the last class. They help their pupils to push the limits of their knowledge that afterwards often times they make into enormous successes, recognized also in worldwide competitions and tournaments: not in athletics, but in mathematics, physics, chemistry and informatics.

This work beyond obligatory school teaching is not being conceptually recognized in Slovakia. Teachers, educators and also non-pedagogical volunteers perceive it as their life missions to hand over their knowledge to young people. The Dionýz Ilkovič Award with PosAm’s support has as its mission to find these kind of people and to highlight their contribution to the development of extracurricular activities for pupils of primary and secondary schools in the subjects of mathematics, physics, chemistry and informatics.

Supporting talents and individualities in the field of natural sciences is part of PosAm’s mission. “Amongst tens of different awards that are being given in Slovakia, a very important one was missing until now,“ Marián Marek, company´s CEO explains.“ Many and also non-pedagogical staff that are dedicated to extra-curricular activities at primary and secondary schools have devoted their lives to pass on their knowledge to young people because they believe that they can grow into future scientists and important figures. The Dionýz Ilkovič Award was created as an acknowledgement, tribute and also encouragement for people that work in education in the field of natural sciences.“

54 nominations were registered in the first year, from which the specialized jury chose three finalists and also the winner. Jozef Smrek from Michalovce was awarded as winner. He teaches physics and mathematics at the secondary school of Pavol Horov in Michalovce. He was awarded for the development of extra-curricular activity in the field of physics.

The award carries the name of a distinguished Slovak scientist. In 1934 Dionýz Ilkovič derived the relation between polarographic diffusion current, the concentration of a solution and the characteristics of the dropping mercury electrode, today known as Ilkovič´s equation. At that time he was a member of Nobel Prize winner Jaroslav Heyrovský’s team. Professor Dionýz Ilkovič was not only a prominent Slovak physicist and scientist of world-wide importance but also an amazing teacher whose style of teaching became legendary among his students and colleagues.

More about the Award on the website Cena Dionýza Ilkoviča

Finalisti Cena Dionyza Ilkovica 2017

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