
ParkDots provides up-to-date information regarding occupancy of the park & ride facility in Malacky

Published 25.9.2019

The park & ride facility in Malacky was built in order to improve the transport infrastructure and thus increase the attractiveness and competitiveness of personal public transport. It is a contribution to sustainable mobility in which passengers would prefer mass personal transport over individual transportation by car.

Building transportation terminals and park & ride facilities is a part of the emerging integrated transportation system in the Bratislava region. The system includes preparation of identical projects in Svätý Jur, Pezinok, Šenkvice, Ivanka pri Dunaji, Bernolákovo, Zohor and Nové Košariská. The project was funded through the Integrated Regional Operational Programme (IROP).

The park & ride facility in Malacky features the ParkDots intelligent parking system by PosAm. Sensors installed directly in parking spaces make it possible for drivers to track the occupancy of each space in real time. The information is available through the ParkDots mobile application and on information boards in town.

ParkDots is a comprehensive system for parking solutions. It ensures administration and control of parking policies, monitoring of parking space occupancy, inspection of parking authorization, integration with other payment and parking system, and the possibility to pay parking fees using a mobile application. It is also a source of statistical data and includes parking authorization administration. In Slovakia alone, ParkDots services are provided in 8 other towns: Trnava, Nitra, Trenčín, Liptovský Mikuláš, Dolný Kubín, Karlova Ves v Bratislave, Prievidza, and Banská Štiavnica.

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