
End User Services for the Romanian branch of Deutsche Telekom Pan-Net

Published 30.5.2016

After Slovakia, where PosAm developed the infrastructure for the central office of Deutsche Telekom Pan-Net in 2015, PosAm is continuing this year with building up and operating the infrastructure also in other countries where Pan-Net has an operation. In May, the branch in Bucharest, Romania, will be implemented.

Just like the whole concept of the Pan-Net platform, the internal infrastructure of the company that PosAm is developing is also based on cloud technologies. This concerns an approach to building up IT infrastructure with which PosAm has a wealth of experience. The last example is the migration of the complete IT infrastructure of the Slovak branch of a German pharmaceutical company to TelekomCloud. Likewise, the IT infrastructure for the DT Pan-Net is also established in TelekomCloud of the company Slovak Telekom.

These experiences and references have strongly contributed to the consortium of Slovak Telekom and PosAm being successful in the international tender for the supply of services to DT Pan-Net.

About Deutsche Telekom Pan-Net

Deutsche Telekom Pan-Net is a new division within Deutsche Telekom, to create services for all its 12 national European operations and ultimately Germany itself. Pan-Net is based in Bratislava, the capital of Slovakia. Pan-Net is also the name of the new platform that is being built.

The essence of Pan-Net is to consolidate the local production platforms into a central unit. It helps transforming towards a lean and highly agile production.

Cross-country synergies

“This is one of the most significant technological transformation projects at DT,” says Klaus Müller, Co-CEO Pan-Net. “Deutsche Telekom decided to be a pioneer in this field. The key thing here is that we can realise cross-country synergies.”

„Now there are a team of around 500 people to make this happen,” says Kerstin Günther, Co-CEO Pan-Net. „One important factor is that the technology is ready to be cloudified — this will be the main catalyst for future cross-country synergies for telcos.”

Centralised production

Müller continues: „The Pan-Net mission aims for a reduction from 650 local platforms to 50 centralised platforms. The moment we can centralise the production platforms we would significantly reduce costs and significantly reduce time to market — and this is the essence of Pan-Net.”

Pan-Net will offer a fully modular but harmonised product catalogue, offering choice from a standardised set of centrally developed service elements. National companies, however, will have the advantage of compiling and bundling these elements with local flavours or even third-party components, for creating competitive differentiator in the local markets.

First step in project is transforming its networks across Europe to all-IP operation. DT needs a common [IP] language in the network so that we then can do the consolidation and the centralisation. The all-IP migration is precondition of the second stage, which is Pan-Net.

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